How do I program in Roblox (Cont.)?

5.1 Condition (==, <, >)

We will pause our RPG game here.

First, disable the script you have been using:

Then create a new script under ServerScriptService, name it “main2“:

Inside main2, create a variable to describe your age:

Now we want to check if your age equals to 8.

We can use the comparison operator (==) to compare between numbers:

Now click “Run” to see the result:

true means Yes, so yes your age is 8!

What if you want to check if your age is 18?

(change 8 -> 18 at line 3)

Run it and you will see false, because your age is 8!

So when we use the comparison operators == , < , > (we will explain what < and > are very soon):

  1. There must be something to compare between LEFT and RIGHT
  2. A boolean will be the result of the comparison (either true or false)

Challenge 8:

Imagine you have a friend named Rei who is 10 years old:

  1. Create a varaible for Rei, name it reiAge and set his age to 10
  2. Using print() and == operator, and check if he is 10 years old
  3. Again using print() and == operator, check if he is 53 years old
  4. Using print() and == operator, check if your age is equal to Rei’s age

…Answer below…

Here is the answer of Challenge 8: