#09 RPG Part IV: Money System – GUI

#09 RPG Part IV: Money System – GUI

Money System GUI In this tutorial, we will make a money GUI – a text box that can keep tracks of how much money our character has in our Roblox game. https://robloxfun.jp/materials/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/moneyDropSample.mp4 Note: The money GUI functionality...
#08 RPG Part III: Monster Item Drop

#08 RPG Part III: Monster Item Drop

Create enemy AI that drops items https://robloxfun.jp/materials/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/gameplay.mp4 Prerequisite  You should have finished the following tutorials before continuing: [Game Creation] Zombie Fighter   [Roblox Lesson] RPG Part I: Enemy AI Preparation...