A way to create Enemy AI

With this showcase, we are taking reference from a video on a YouTube channel named “DevZoid”:

And made some scripting enhancement/bug fixes to the example.

Step 1: Parts/Folders

To start off, create the following folders, parts and scripts. Name them accordingly:

MonsterSpawns (Folder): to hold all our monster spawning location

Monsters (Folder): to hold all our monsters

MS (Part): the actual spawning location for one monster


We will also create a new Rig (a NPC body) as our enemy. Name the rig “Monster”:

Inside the Monster model, add one new Script:

and also, add one new “Vector3Value”, name it “SpawnPosition”:

Bring the Monster rig into “ServerStorage”:


Step 2: Scripts




game.ServerScriptService.testGiveDmg (for testing)